Vortext Marketing

Your Local, Mobile & Social Experts

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How connected are you with your Customer?

"Local" Marketing
Mobile Marketing
Social Marketing
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What is "Local" and what does it mean to my business?
Is having just a website Email enough anymore?  Why is Google giving away 50 Million, Pre-Designed, Pre-Indexed, Pre-SEO'd FREE Websites that are already receiving Free Traffic Every Day.  What about Yahoo and Bing?  Customers are Talking about and Review YOU!!  What is a citation and how can they help?
<------------Have you noticed these codes are appearing everywhere.
National advertiting for big companies is big business (See our Links for Articles).  How can small "Local" businesses take advantage of what Large Business already knows about Connecting with their customers, creating Brand Loyalty and reliable Repeat Business?
Facebook and twitter are the NEW online version of "Word of Mouth"  advertising!!
All of the "New Generation" (and some old) are now plugged in.  What is your business doing to caputre these customers before your "Competition" does?   Harnessing it in the right way results in more customers, more sales, and a higher level of visibility online for your business.
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